Safely Re-opening America’s Education System
Detailed strategies are emerging, but education leaders must not forget about products and services to facilitate an encompassing plan
Re-opening America’s schools is a complicated matter. While educating in the post-COVID-19 world is unprecedented, Oakhurst is here to assist education leaders execute on comprehensive plans.
In March, educators admirably and rapidly pivoted to support remote learning. As academic years come to a close across the country – and graduation ceremonies are held in various formats – we believe there is little time to waste when it comes to planning for a successful 2020-2021 academic year. Afterall, the cost of keeping kids away from the classroom is high, from both a financial and social perspective. Lost instructional time is difficult to recapture, and in many cases, schools provide a safe haven for kids and a means for parents to earn a living.
Strategy vs. Products & Services
We believe there are two critical aspects to re-opening schools: Strategy and Products/Services. Several organizations have come forward with strategic re-opening best practices, from state education departments, to think-tanks to teachers’ unions. The many voices echo the need for social distancing, reduced class sizes, schedule flexibility, testing infrastructure and having back-up plans to react to various scenarios.
While re-opening strategies are emerging and gaining momentum, we are observing an evident lack of clarity when it comes to products and services to support a comprehensive re-opening strategy. At Oakhurst, we are focused on being a comprehensive partner for products and services to assist with the education sector with its re-opening strategies.
Targeted Product & Service Solutions
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Oakhurst has partnered with dozens of companies and city, state and government agency officials. We are market leaders in:
Personal Protective Equipment
Sneeze Guards
& Desk Shields
Customized to the specific needs of each school’s students, classrooms, and administrative staff

Social Distancing
Floor Decals
Customized for each school’s classrooms, hallways, elevators, stairwells and other specific needs

customizable sanitizer station and packet / sachet solutions

Surface Sanitizing and Disinfecting Solutions
• 30, 60 & 90-day surface protection solutions
Training, Consultation & Staggering Strategies
• Site surveys & risk assessments
• Classroom, cafeteria and common area configuration strategies
• Teacher and administrator training
Time is of the Essence!
In many locations, the 2020-2021 academic year will commence earlier than usual. Many colleges and universities are announcing an early start to the fall semester, with students completing the semester remotely following the Thanksgiving holiday break. Even for schools planning to open around Labor Day, time is critical. All signals point to lower budgets and revenue expectations for the education sector. Meanwhile, with the global supply chain in a state of flux and macro demand for PPE products high, education leaders need to consider the amount of time it will take to outfit school buildings.
Our Commitment to Help
Thoroughness and flexibility are critical for education leaders. Now, more than ever, schools must be prepared to adapt to a rapidly changing environment. Oakhurst is here to help with products and services to help decease virus transmission and allow the education sector to successfully bring students back to the classroom.